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School Overview

The Asia Pacific School of Management is the Singapore branch of the Us-Based Kaplan Education Group, which officially changed its name to the Kaplan College of Higher Education (Singapore) in 2009 to gain the same broad international visibility as the parent company.

Kaplan Education Group, affiliated to the Washington Post, is a world-renowned multinational education group with annual operations of 3.2 billion US dollars, 80 colleges and 1 million students. The Washington Post is a Fortune 500 listed company in the United States, and the world's second richest man and famous philanthropist Warren Buffett is chairman of its board of directors.

Founded in 1938, Kaplan Education Group, with more than 70 years of development and growth, now has 80 colleges in 30 countries and regions such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong and China, and is the world's largest education group providing international education, diversified education and lifelong education. At the same time, there are 31,000 teachers and administrative staff around the world. It mainly provides four aspects of education: higher education, professional education, entrance and examination education, and early childhood education.

Institutional advantages

1. POMO Campus of Kappa College of Higher Education:

POMO Tower Campus covers 95,000 square feet and is the largest campus of K&B Higher Education Singapore. It has six floors, 44 classrooms and excellent facilities. The library is equipped with computers, Internet, printers and copiers for students' self-study. There is also a comfortable student lounge.

2.KAPLAN Singapore Vilki Campus:

As a result of the excellent reputation of K&B Singapore and good feedback from practical courses, student numbers surged to more than 15,000 students in 2008. In order to ensure that every student enjoys the same good learning environment as before, K&B Singapore's second campus - Wilkie Campus was officially opened in April 2009. The second campus is located in the commercial and cultural prime location of the Singapore Metro hub, with a mature business atmosphere and a number of prestigious schools gathered here, creating a good learning environment for students. As KAPLAN Singapore's second campus, all classrooms on the campus are equipped with advanced teaching facilities such as projectors, electric projection screens, LCD computers, sound systems and wireless microphones.

Enrollment major

K-bo College of Higher Education Department Introduction:

Kaplan Higher Education Academy. Kaplan Higher Education Academy

According to the requirements of the Ministry of Education and the government of Singapore, private institutions in Singapore are only allowed to offer tertiary courses, so tertiary courses are issued by the college, and undergraduate courses are issued by the partner and affiliated universities.

University College Dublin - National University of Ireland, Dublin. University College Dublin - National University of Ireland, Dublin

The National University of Ireland was founded in 1908 as one of four federal government universities. The National University of Ireland College Dublin, or University College Dublin, is the largest national university in Ireland. It has produced five Irish Prime ministers and several ambassadors, including the current ambassador to Singapore. In 2006, the Financial Times ranked the 20th business school in Europe and the 89th in the world. There are many large professional schools, such as engineering, law, veterinary and business schools. It is also one of the oldest business schools in the world and was the first business school in Europe to award the MBA degree. National Irish University is one of 22 universities in the world to be accredited by three international authorities: the American Association of Business Schools (AACSB International), the European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) and the British Association of Masters in Business Administration (AMBA), known as the Triple Crown accreditation.

Royal Holloway, University of London

Royal Holloway College of the University of London is a public research university located in the suburbs of London, England, founded in 1879, in 1886 under the authorization and auspices of Queen Victoria formally established, joined the University of London in 1900, and merged with Bedford College of the University of London in 1985. The school is one of the largest constituent colleges of the federal University of London and a member of the 1994 University Group.

Royal Holloway is a top education and research university in the United Kingdom, and is one of the largest of the 18 branches of the University of London. Due to Royal Holloway's commitment to the pursuit of high quality and high quality in teaching and research, its arts, humanities, natural sciences and social sciences are not only in a leading position in the UK, but also for Royal Holloway College has won a good international reputation. Media, business and computer science are particularly popular among international students. Its research ability ranks 9th in The Times University rankings in the UK, second only to Oxford, Cambridge and other world famous universities.

Murdoch University - Perth, Western Australia

Modoc University is a government university in Australia, located in Perth, a famous tourist destination in Australia. Founded in 1973, Modoc University strives for excellence and has an international reputation for education and research, and is proud to have Australia's top academic staff. In 2005, it ranked 13th in the overall ranking of Australian universities. As one of Australia's leading universities, Modoc University is an advanced, modern and dynamic university with an international reputation for education, research and student satisfaction.

Modoc University Business School has a strong international awareness, and most of its graduates have served well-known enterprises, such as Coca-Cola, Nestle, KPMG, Geely, etc. The Modoc University School of Business is a dynamic and responsible school, constantly developing new courses and strengthening research in the areas of enhanced social responsibility, corporate management and risk management. The School has been committed to close cooperation between academia and government, private and social institutions to promote sustainable economic development. Diplomas from Modoc University are recognized not only internationally, but also by the Chinese government.

University of Northumbria- Newcastle, UK

Northumbria University is a comprehensive applied university, as the most modern new university in the UK, is also one of the ten most popular universities in the UK. Founded in 1870 as the Rutherford School of Engineering, it became the Newcastle Institute of Technology in 1969 and was not merged into a university until 1992. With more than 500 disciplines and more than 21,000 students, including about 2,200 international students from more than 100 overseas countries, it is one of the largest universities in the UK. Many of its specialties are ranked in the top 20 in the UK. The school has cultivated a large number of famous alumni, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair for the school's honorary doctorate in law, Norwegian Prime Minister Sonia, Apple Computer senior vice president Jonathan and so on.

University of Bedfordshire - UK

The University of Bedfordshire is an emerging university formed by the merger of Luton University and De Montfort University on 1 August 2006. Luton University, formerly known as Luton College of Higher Education, has been teaching undergraduate degree courses for 40 years. The University of Bedford is a dynamic and modern university. It is ideally located just 30 minutes from central London by train, but the cost of living is much lower than in London. Tuition fees are also highly competitive. The University of Bedford has a reputation for teaching quality, and in 2003 and 2004 the school was named the best new university in England for teaching quality. Although the University of Bedford is a British university, its teachers and students come from all over the world. International students from 120 different countries are studying here.

Kai Bo College of Higher Education:

K&b College of Higher Education (Singapore) offers high quality education programmes such as associate's, bachelor's and Master's degrees.

College programs offer business administration, financial management, logistics management, marketing, hotel and tourism management, banking and securities investment, information technology, management and other majors.

Bachelor degree programs offer financial management, logistics management, management, marketing, business management, accounting, financial accounting management, mass media, public relations, human resource management, hotel and tourism management, etc.

The master's degree offers majors in management, financial management, business administration, etc.

Kai Bo College of Higher Education Advantages:

1) Accounting

The accounting major offered by K&B College of Higher Education in Singapore is the study of how enterprises recognize revenue and assets in a certain business cycle. In addition to preparing financial statements and recording business transactions, accountants are more importantly able to participate in the merger of enterprises, quality management, the application of information technology in finance, tax strategy and many business management decisions. According to the Singapore Education Union, the accounting profession covers a wide range of fields: assurance, auditing, taxation, corporate accounting, management accounting, financial management, liquidation, forensic accounting, budgeting, business consulting and so on are all areas that the accounting profession will be involved in.

2) Financial management

As an important branch of management, financial management is a subject with strong application. It is based on the financial direction of management and involves many fields. The courses under it help enterprises to achieve the goal of rational use of capital, reduction of cost and improvement of efficiency from various angles, mainly including economics, accounting, financial management, financial statement analysis, business communication, risk management, auditing, management accounting and other courses.

The Financial management major offered by K&B Higher Education (Singapore) enables students to master the professional knowledge of finance, accounting, economics and management from the basic system, and cultivates middle and senior management professionals with innovative consciousness, innovation ability and practical working skills to adapt to the needs of the socialist market economy.

Diploma awarded: National University of Ireland

3) Business administration

Business management majors offer a variety of careers: management, marketing, finance, economics and international business. It combines a solid background in business knowledge with a solid foundation of knowledge in the arts and sciences, enabling students to pursue a specific career or pursue a higher degree after graduation. The management major prepares business generalists with a broad knowledge of planning, organizing, directing, controlling, and making operational and behavioral decisions related to business organizations. The marketing major focuses on the management and combination of market functions, such as the identification of market opportunities, product development, promotion, pricing, and wholesale of products. The Finance/Economics major emphasizes the theoretical foundations of finance and investment as well as solving problems in various economic and technical fields. The Business management major focuses on the application of management functions on a global scale.

4) Hotel and Tourism Management

This course prepares students for a career in management and the associated challenges in the public and private tourism and hospitality industries. The course gives students a detailed understanding of the source industry with a particular emphasis on tourism management related to the management of Hasanya activities and strategic destinations.

Students majoring in Hospitality and Tourism Management can study at the prestigious Modoc University degree program in Australia at K-B Higher Education in Singapore. Students in the hotel and tourism management at the same time can also choose marketing and management to obtain a double bachelor's degree diploma, the degree diploma is exactly the same as the school, recognized by any country in the world, and the tuition fee is only half of the school. As a degree from Modoc University is recognized by the Ministry of Manpower of Singapore, graduates with a degree from Modoc University are eligible to apply to the Ministry of Manpower of Singapore for a one-year work Pass visa to seek employment in Singapore.

Application conditions

PEF Course

1. Be at least 16 years old

2. No additional education required

FIA Course

1. Be at least 16 years old

2. No additional education or accounting background is required

3. Ielts 4.5 or pass PALP courses

Associate degree in business accounting

General requirements:

Undergraduate entry requirements:

Applicants with a secondary 2 degree or above can submit an application to K&B College Singapore, providing proof of school attendance and results. At the same time, the language requirements of Richard Kaplan College in Singapore are much more relaxed than those of public universities. Applicants can pass IELTS 6.0 for admission, or they can waive IELTS requirements through language courses arranged by the college.

Postgraduate entry requirements:

The applicant holds a bachelor's degree certificate from a domestic university, and the average score during the school period is more than 75 points, and the IELTS is about 6.5. For domestic 3-year junior college students, Singapore Richard College has the opportunity to directly apply for graduate courses, Singapore Richard College master qualification for domestic unified enrollment of 3-year junior college graduates, IELTS 6.5 or above or do language assessment plus language preparatory, while the corresponding assessment needs to provide 2-3 years of relevant work experience.

1. Be at least 16 years old

2. It is recommended to have a high school education or above and a junior accounting foundation

3. Ielts 5.5 or pass PALP courses

ACCA course

18 years of age or older with an IELTS score of 5.5 or an advanced level course in PALP, with any of the following:

1. Anyone with a college degree or above recognized by the Ministry of Education can register as an ACCA official student

2. Current students of higher education institutions recognized by the Ministry of Education who can provide a complete transcript of the courses taken can register as ACCA students

3. Applicants who do not meet 1 or 2 registration qualifications can also apply for FIA/CAT courses first. Exemption from ACCA after obtaining FIA/CAT qualification certificate

The examination of three courses of F1-F3 leads directly to the study of skills courses


Outstanding students can receive scholarships of up to S $10,000

As of January 1, 2010, students must meet the following requirements in order to apply for Kaplan scholarships.

The top three students can receive scholarships in the following amounts:

First place among students in this major: SGD 10,000

Second place among students in this major: 7,500 Singapore dollars

Ranked third among students in this major: SGD 5,000

Note: The above scholarship amount will be converted to undergraduate or Master's program fees, which will be deducted when the student pays for the second course.

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